❌❌❌ Amsterdam is just listed on top 10 most popular cities in the world. Market Research company Ipsos has announced this. Amsterdam is now on #9 on the most popular cities of the world. It’s even listed above LA 🙂  Awesome new! But do you prefer a bit more quietness? Think about visit Haarlem. It’s really worth a visit and Haarlem is just 20 minutes with train from Amsterdam.

And when you are in Haarlem, please stop over for a bike tour at Bike Tours Haarlem 🙂

Book your Highlight Open Bike Tour here

Select the amount of participants and which date and time you would like to participant on the Bike Tour.

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Important for the reservation

  1. Make sure to be 15 minutes in advance on the tour
  2. Cancellation is free of charge. Please inform us about this.
  3. Payment can be done on location (cash/Bank Card)
  4. Safe biking routes and good safety instructions, particiapation is on own risk
Click here for our Terms and Conditions.

Questions? Get in touch!